Networking for Therapists

Networking is not a word you hear in grad school, it’s not something you’re told will impact your career in mental health and you’re certainly not taught how to do it. It is something that professionals in our field often overlook and we don’t know what we’re missing out on. Once you move into the private practice realm you quickly learn that you need your community of professionals, in and out of the field, to get referrals or refer to in situations outside of your scope. 

So what does networking for therapists look like and how can you get involved?

For starters, networking can be events specific to networking but it does not need to be. You are networking at conferences, while at dinner with friends, when you’re interacting with the business next door. As a professional in any field, you are able to brand yourself and spread the word through everyday interactions. Beside those everyday interactions there are a few events that you might want to focus on! You never know who you will meet at any of these and you never know what you will learn! 

Happy Hour Socials

These events can be aimed at therapists or a more general crowd. Either way, check them out some time. You might be surprised who you meet and where you get referrals from after these events. 

Coffee Socials

Talking and relaxing over some coffee might seem less intimidating to some. If this is more your style then you are more likely to meet people you mesh well with here anyways. Check it out! 


You are more likely to be surrounded by strictly peers in this setting which takes some of the pressure off. You already know you have something in common. I mean, you’re both at the same event aren’t you! 

Coworking Hours

This is not only an opportunity to socialize while getting your work done. This time is great for holding yourself socially accountable for staying on task while casually talking to others in the field about what is going on or asking for advice, services, referrals for specific situations. 

The hardest part of networking is starting, it’s believing that you might be able to gain something from it and getting past the fear of the uncertainty. Here at Through the Woods Mental Health Services we host networking events each month. We believe that by building our community of professionals we will have more opportunities to connect our client’s with the services they need. Check out our calendar to see the upcoming events.


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