ADHD Screening

Many parents seek out ADHD evaluations and accommodations for their children but the waitlist for these services is often long and the price of the full diagnostic process is not always accessible. When parents are looking to gain a better understanding of their children’s behaviors and needs an ADHD screener can be the answer. Screenings take less time and cost less money as well as offer the family a guide for their next steps.

Some of the reasons that an ADHD screener might be the right step for you child include:

  • You are unsure whether the full diagnostic process is the right step for your child. The diagnosis doesn’t sound right and you are looking for a second opinion.

  • You would like a deeper look into your child’s symptoms to gain a better understanding of their behaviors and needs without the commitment to the full diagnostic process.

  • Some people would like to gain more information and meet with their child’s pediatrician for medication management rather than schedule with a psychiatrist.

No matter your reasoning, an ADHD screener provides you with more information to make an informed decision about your child’s care. There are plenty of complimentary services that could guide your next steps including parent support sessions, individual or family therapy, medication management, or educational advocacy to ensure your child receives the accommodations that are best suited for them.

For further questions or more information complete the form below and we will connect with you.


Parenting a Child With ADHD


ADHD Evaluation Process