A Routine May Improve Your Mood

Humans are creatures of habit. Our brains like to find something that works and keep doing that, for better or for worse. It makes sense that we thrive in routine and consistency. Find a routine that works for you!

Identify a time of day or activity that is challenging for you and think about times when this went well. Maybe you have a hard time transitioning from school or work to your home life. Pick something that signals the transition, it doesn’t have to mean anything to you right now but it will later. You can spend 5 minutes stretching or deep breathing or you could put everything away from the day. Whatever activity it is, engage in this activity each day during that time and it will begin to signal to your brain that it’s time to switch modes. Schedule your meal times and your daily activities in a way that make sense for your motivation. If you know that you lose interest in tasks after 7pm make sure that you’ve prepped for the next day before then.

We get stuck in the idea that we are supposed to be productive all the time leaving us tired and lacking motivation. Find ways to work with yourself and acknowledge that that may look different for you than it will for others. Thats okay! Nobody really knows what they’re doing anyways.


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